Our cosmetic services at HSMC vary from facial treatments to hair removal therapy and body Contouring. With our various state of the art equipment we guarantee great results and services to all our patients.



  • Botox
  • Laser for tattoo removal
  • Laser skin resurfacing
  • Electrocautery and cryotherapy
  • Acne and acne scar treatment
  • Keloid treatment
  • Mesotherapy (hair and skin)
  • Radiofrequency (RF)
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment
  • Skin Booster Injections
  • Skin Diseases – Dermatology
  • Ultherapy – Non-Surgical Skin Tightening And Lifting
  • Thread Lift

Botulinum toxin is used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by paralyzing the underlying muscles. People also use Botox to treat excessive sweating, migraines, muscular disorders, and some bladder and bowel disorders.

What does Botox do to your body?

So even though your brain my fire and signal for your body to move a particular muscle, Botox effectively blocks that firing and keeps the muscle from moving. The injected muscle can no longer contract, which causes the wrinkles to relax and soften, and also helps prevent new ones from forming.

How long should Botox last?

Three to six months

The effects from Botox will last three to six months. As muscle action gradually returns, the lines and wrinkles begin to reappear and need to be treated again. The lines and wrinkles often appear less severe with time because the muscles are shrinking.

How long does it take for Botox to kick in?

Three to seven days

Getting Botox takes only a few minutes and doesn’t require anesthesia. Botox is injected with a fine needle into specific muscles with only minor discomfort. It generally takes three to seven days to take full effect, and it is best to avoid alcohol starting at least one week before the procedure.

Laser for tattoo removal

Applying tattoos to the body is common in the younger generation. They are a form of decorative body modification and are more popular than ever. Tattoos are applied with needles using a special ink or other pigments into the dermis layer of the skin. Tattoos were once considered permanent; however, it is now possible to remove them with certain treatments. There are many reasons for wanting a tattoo removed. Whatever the reasons, the most effective and safest method of removing tattoos is laser treatment. Laser treatment allows for the removal of tattoos of various sizes, colours and shapes. Laser treatment is often safer than many traditional methods because of its unique ability to selectively treat pigment involved in the tattoo. Blue and black tattoos respond especially well to laser treatment.


Tattoo removal can last from several minutes to an hour depending upon the size and type of tattoo. Anaesthesia may be required depending on the location of the tattoo and the pain threshold of the patient. If required, topical anaesthesia cream or pain relieving injections at the treatment site can be used. You will be given protective eye shields to wear during the treatment. The area is cleansed on and around the tattoo to remove oils on the skin. The light from the laser passes harmlessly through the top layer of the skin. When the light hits the brown pigment cells, energy is released. This released energy is then absorbed by certain pigments (colours) within the tattoo. Multiple sessions usually scheduled at four week intervals are needed to achieve the desired results.

Postoperative care

Following the laser treatment, practice the following measures for better results and to avoid any complications.

  • Avoid exposure to the sun.
  • Use ice packs to soothe and bandages to protect the treated area.
  • Use topical cream or ointment as recommended by your dermatologist.
  • Avoid scrubbing, picking, or rubbing the treated area.
  • Avoid swimming pools during the treatment period.
Laser skin resurfacing

Skin damage can occur due to various factors such as age, emotional stress, sun tan, and acne. Laser skin resurfacing treatment helps to rejuvenate the skin. This is used on skin to treat wrinkles, blemishes, acne scars, lines around eyes and mouth, brown spots, and sun-damaged skin. It offers good results and can be used for all skin types.

laser skin resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing offers an alternative treatment method to dermabrasion. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Erbium (Er:YAG) lasers are commonly used for laser resurfacing. CO2 lasers help in tightening the skin, whereas Er:YAG lasers help in resurfacing the skin. CO2 vaporizes the upper layers of the damaged skin and Er:YAG penetrates the skin and scatters the heat effects of laser light. Depending on the severity of the skin damage, a combination of these two lasers is used to increase the therapy benefits. These lasers heat up to remove the top layer of the skin and are referred to as ablative lasers. The non-ablative lasers target the deeper layers of the skin leaving the top layer intact.


This procedure is done under anaesthesia. General or local anaesthesia is used depending on laser treatment chosen and the area to be treated. The laser light is absorbed by water present in the skin cells and immediately causes vaporization of the top layers of the skin. When the laser light passes over the skin, a mere 30 millionth of an inch of tissue is removed at a time. This allows the physician to treat only as deeply as needed, from removing wrinkles to merely refreshing overall skin appearance. After removing the damaged skin, new skin quickly regrows in its place. The procedure takes a few seconds to over several hours depending on the area to be treated.

Post-operative care

  • Follow your doctor’s instructions for skin care which may include frequent soaks, cold compresses, and applying an emollient ointment.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight, fluorescent light, and unfiltered computer screen light.
  • Avoid pricking or scrubbing the skin.
  • Use recommended antibiotics as prescribed by your physician.

Side effects

The common side effects associated with laser treatments include pain, erythema, oozing and swelling of skin, burning sensation, perioral dermatitis, acne exacerbation, altered skin pigmentation, allergic reactions, and hyperpigmentation.


Skin conditions – Actinic keratosis, actinic chilitis, acne scars, rhytides, and dermatoheloisis

Cosmetic procedures – Deep wrinkles, periorbital crow’s feet wrinkles, wrinkles of the upper lip, facial lines and scars, acne scars, sun damaged skin, superficial cutaneous lesions, blemishes, to smoothen and tighten the eyelid skin, to remove pigmented spots, and to improve the overall tone and texture of the skin.


Although laser treatment offers significant benefits, it is contraindicated in certain conditions such as bacterial, viral or fungal infections, if isotretinion was used within the previous 6 months, individuals with history of keloid formation, prior radiation therapy, and collagen vascular disease.


Laser therapy may pose certain complications such as hypertrophic scarring, disseminated infection, and ectropion, a condition where the eyelid turns outward.

Laser skin resurfacing treats a large number of skin conditions, but the two most common indications are photoaging and scarring. Fractional resurfacing thermally ablates microscopic columns of epidermal and dermal tissue in regularly spaced arrays over a fraction of the skin surface.

Electrocautery and cryotherapy

Electro cautery

Electro cautery is a safe and effective procedure that is routinely used in surgery to remove unwanted or harmful tissue and skin lesions such as skin tags, etc.

The procedure is usually indicated for treatment of various small benign skin lesions for patients who have implanted electrical devices and in whom external electromagnetic interference should be avoided. Other indications are for vasectomy and dry eye syndrome.

Electro cautery involves passing a direct or alternating current through a metal wire electrode, generating heat at its endpoint. The heated electrode is then applied to the living tissues to achieve tissue destruction. Prior to the procedure a grounding pad is placed on the thigh to protect you from any harmful effects of electricity.

After the procedure, the healing process varies depending on the depth of the lesion. For superficial spots it might take around 7-14 days to fully heal and deeper spots might take 6-8 weeks to heal.

As with any procedure, it is associated with potential risks to the patient as well as the operating physician including burns, transmission of infection, etc.


Cryotherapy refers to a treatment in which tissues are superfreezed to destroy them. It is used to remove precancerous skin lesions, warts, etc. Cryotherapy is also used to treat skin cancer that does not affect deep tissue.

The procedure takes less than a minute and is usually done in your health care provider’s office with numbing medicine. The procedure involves applying a cotton swab which is dipped in liquid nitrogen onto the area that requires treatment. The treated area will heal in about 7 to 10 days with minimal scaring. However, for the redness to go away it does takes a longer time.

As with all procedures, cryotherapy is associated with certain risks which include development of blisters and ulcers, leading to pain and infection, scars if the freezing was prolonged and changes in skin color.

Acne and acne scar treatment

Acne is a common problem of the skin’s oil glands present at the base of hair follicles. Commonly seen during puberty, acne is not a dangerous disorder or permanent, but can result in scarring. Acne scars are reddish or brownish marks left behind on the skin after a pimple/acne lesion heals.

It is commonly seen in teenagers, but many adults can also suffer from this problem. Acne scarring can be appreciated better, if we trace the development of acne.

Development of acne
In teens, acne is the result of hormonal changes associated with puberty. The regions commonly affected include the face, shoulder, neck, chest, and the upper back. Acne is formed when the oil glands under the skin secrete excess oil, which, along with the dead skin cells clog the pores of your skin. Bacteria are trapped inside and multiply leading to redness and swelling. This is the beginning of acne. The causes of acne can be genetic as well. So, if any one in your family has had a history of acne, you are more likely to develop it.

Acne and scarring
Depending on their severity, acne can be classified into different forms:

  • Mild acne: commonly seen as whiteheads or blackheads
  • Moderate acne: white centered red pimples called pustules and inflamed red pimples called papules
  • Severe acne: painful cysts filled with pus, commonly referred to as nodules

Acne scars usually fade away with time without requiring any form of treatment, but squeezing or picking acne can increase the risk of scarring. The scars left behind by mild and moderate acne are not permanent, and heal with time. However, the scars of severe acne can become permanent, requiring the immediate attention of your dermatologist. Scars can be of the following forms:

  • Having a gradual depression (rolling scars)
  • Deep and narrow (ice pick)
  • Depression with a sharp border (boxcar)
  • Thickened and inflamed (hypertrophic or colloidal)
  • Dark pigmentation (not true scarring; slowly heals without treatment)
  • Pink or red regions (not true scarring; slowly heals without treatment)

The method used to treat an acne problem plays an important role in minimizing scar formation and also managing it. There are several dermatological procedures that help minimize scars and are recommended by your doctor based on the severity of the scars.

Some of the treatment procedures that your doctor may choose include:

  • Soft tissue fillers: injecting collagen/fat under the skin to stretch out or fill in the skin; thereby lightening the scars
  • Dermabrasion: peeling away the top most skin layer using a rapidly rotating wire brush
  • Chemical peels: peeling away the top most skin layer using a chemical
  • Laser beam: destroying the outer most skin layer using a high energy light source, and encouraging growth of new skin
  • Microdermabrasion (newer acne scar treatment): abrading or polishing the skin’s surface with tiny crystals and removing the loosened skin cells
  • Skin surgery (punch excision): removing individual scars through a minor surgical procedure and using stitches or skin graft to repair the excised area
  • Broadband Light (BBL): reducing oil glands and minimising pores using a blue filtered light
Keloid treatment

Keloids, also referred to as Keloidal scars, are an extreme random overgrowth of collagen formation at the site of a healed skin injury. Keloids are harmless, benign (non-cancerous) skin lesions resulting from an overgrowth of granulation tissue during the healing process. They sometimes cause itching and pain and can limit skin movement in some people. Keloids are a serious form of scarring as they can continue to grow indefinitely into large growths beyond the borders of the original wound. Keloidosis is a term used when multiple or repeated instances of keloids are formed on the skin.

Keloid Scars can result from any of the following:

  • Chickenpox
  • Acne
  • Minor scratches
  • Surgical incisions
  • Traumatic wounds
  • Vaccination sites
  • Burns


Symptoms of Keloids include the following:

  • Raised mound of scar tissue at the site of an healed skin injury
  • Pigmentation of the skin
  • Itchiness
  • Pain
  • Sensitivity
  • Redness

Risk Factors

Keloid scars have two main predisposing risk factors:

  • Location of the scar
  • Genetic background of the patient


Keloids are more common in the upper part of the body and are rare in the eyelids, soles of the feet, palms of the hand and genitals. Keloids are most likely to develop:

  • In the earlobe after ear piercing
  • Along the border of the jaw
  • The shoulder
  • The skin over the breast bone

Genetic Background:

  • Keloids are uncommon in people with fair skin. These patients are more likely to develop hypertrophic or thick scars which eventually fade. The difference between these two types of scar is often hard to determine.
  • Keloids are more common in patients with dark skin.
  • Women are more likely to develop Keloidal scars.
  • Young people under the age of thirty are at highest risk.

Other Risk Factors:

  • Keloids are more likely to form when the wound is closed under tension or where there is an infection or hematoma (bleeding) after surgery.
  • If a foreign body is present in the wound, as may occur after an accident, keloids also seem to be more likely to develop.
  • In cosmetic surgery some scars are more likely to become thicker, these include the scars associated with: otoplasty (ear pinning), breast reduction and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).


Scar tissue may be minimized to a degree by proper attention to the injury and proper care during the healing process. Preventing complications such as infection and treating medical conditions that affect healing such as diabetes can help minimize scarring. Minimizing swelling and increasing the blood supply to the injured area also help in the healing process and minimize scarring. Other measures to minimize scarring may include the following:

  • Occlusive Dressings
    Occlusive dressings include silicone gel sheets and dressings, non-silicone occlusive sheets, Cordran tape, and Scarguard. These measures have been used with varied success. Anti-keloidal effects appear to result from a combination of occlusion and hydration, rather than from an effect of the silicone.
  • Compression Therapy
    Compression therapy involves pressure, which has long been known to have thinning effects on skin. Reduction in the cohesiveness of collagen fibres in pressure-treated hypertrophic scars has been demonstrated by electron microscopy. Compression treatments include button compression, pressure earrings, ACE bandages, elastic adhesive bandages, compression wraps, Lycra bandages, and support bandages. Other pressure devices include pressure-gradient garments made of lightweight porous Dacron, spandex (also known as elastane), or bobbinet fabric (usually worn 12-24 hours/day for up to 4-6 months) and zinc oxide adhesive plaster.

Conservative Treatment

No single therapeutic modality is best for all keloids. The type of therapy used is determined by:

  • The location, size, and depth of the lesion;
  • The age of the patient;
  • The past response to treatment.

Prevention is key, but therapeutic treatment of keloids includes the following:

  • Intralesional corticosteroid injections
  • Cryotherapy
  • Interferon therapy

Talk to your physician about other possible treatments that could be used in your particular situation. Research in the treatment of Keloidal scars is on-going and new innovations may be indicated for your situation.

Intralesional corticosteroid injections

Corticosteroids, specifically intralesional corticosteroid injections, have been the mainstay of treatment. Corticosteroids reduce excessive scarring by reducing collagen synthesis, altering glucosaminoglycan synthesis, and reducing production of inflammatory mediators and fibroblast proliferation during wound healing. Steroids are injected directly into the scar tissue to help decrease the itching, redness, and burning sensations that these scars may produce. Sometimes, the injections help to actually decrease the size of the scar.


This involves the scar being “frozen” off by a medication applied to the Keloid. Cryosurgical media (e.g., liquid nitrogen) affects the microvasculature and causes cell damage via intracellular crystals, leading to tissue anoxia. Generally, 1, 2, or 3 freeze-thaw cycles lasting 10-30 seconds each are used for the desired effect. Treatment may need to be repeated every 20-30 days. The physician will take care to administer liquid nitrogen in short application periods because of the possibility of reversible hypopigmentation. Cryotherapy can cause pain and depigmentation in certain patients.

Interferon Therapy

Interferon therapy, including interferon alfa, interferon beta, and interferon gamma, has been demonstrated in vitro studies to reduce keloidal fibroblast production of collagen. Interferon injected into the suture line of keloid excision sites may be prophylactic for reducing recurrences.

Surgical Overview

If the Keloid scar is not responsive to non-surgical management options, surgery may be suggested. Scar revision surgery may improve the appearance of the scar but will not remove it entirely. It is important to understand that some types of Keloid scarring can actually be made worse by surgery. Your surgeon will discuss your options with you based on the size, depth, colour and thickness of your scar. One type of surgery directly removes the scar formation with an incision, and stitches are placed to help close the wound. Sometimes, skin grafts are used to help close the wound. This involves replacing or attaching skin to an area that is missing skin. Skin grafts are performed by taking a piece of healthy skin from another area of the body (called the donor site) and attaching it to the needed area. Another option is laser surgery. Scars may be treated with a variety of different lasers, depending on the underlying cause of the scar. Lasers may be used to smooth a scar, remove the abnormal colour of a scar, or flatten a scar. Most laser therapy for scars is done in conjunction with other treatments, including injections of steroids, use of special dressings, and the use of bandages. Multiple treatments may be required, regardless of the initial type of therapy.

Surgical Treatment

Surgical Keloid excision is performed as day surgery either in the hospital or outpatient surgery centre under general, regional, or occasionally local anaesthesia depending on the type of procedure performed and the surgeon’s preference.
Your surgeon makes an incision at the site of the Keloid. The Keloid is shaved down with special instruments and scar tissue is cut out.
Your surgeon may use a skin graft if there is not enough skin to cover the incision that was made to remove the scar tissue. The skin graft is obtained by removing a thin layer of skin from another part of the body (referred to as the donor site) and placing it over the incision site.
The surgeon then carefully sutures the incision closed and covers the area with a sterile dressing. Scar revision surgery removes the Keloid and improved suturing technique minimizes the possibility of a new Keloid developing. For severe Keloids, excisional surgery may be combined with radiation to prevent their return.

Postoperative Precautions

After surgery your surgeon will give you guidelines to follow depending on the type of surgery performed and the surgeon’s preference. Common guidelines include:

  • You will need someone to drive you home after you are released as the anaesthesia may make you feel groggy and tired.
  • You should rest for the first couple days after surgery.
  • Avoid any lifting or pulling that puts tension or pressure on the new incision.
  • Avoid exposing the incision to sunlight especially during the first year of healing.
  • If sutures were used, these will be removed at your doctor’s appointment.
  • Follow your surgeon’s guidelines on bathing and showering.
  • If a skin graft was used, monitor the donor site as well as the incision for symptoms of infection such as redness, swelling, pain, and drainage. Report any such symptoms to your doctor right away.

Risks and Complications

As with any surgery there are potential risks involved. The decision to proceed with the surgery is made because the advantages of surgery outweigh the potential disadvantages. It is important that you are informed of these risks before the surgery takes place. Complications can be medical (general) or specific to scar revision surgery. Medical complications include those of the anaesthetic and your general wellbeing. Almost any medical condition can occur so this list is not complete. Complications include:

  • Allergic reactions to medications
  • Blood loss requiring transfusion with its low risk of disease transmission
  • Heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, pneumonia, bladder infections
  • Complications from nerve blocks such as infection or nerve damage
  • Serious medical problems can lead to on-going health concerns, prolonged hospitalization, or rarely death.

Complications are rare after scar revision surgery, but unexpected events can follow any operation. Your surgeon feels that you should be aware of complications that may take place so that your decision to proceed with this operation is taken with all relevant information available to you. After excision of Keloids, there is a risk of recurrence. After excision, the use of steroids and/or radiation therapy may help to prevent the return of the Keloid.

The main risks specific to scar revision surgery are that the scar may grow, change colour, or appear worse than before surgery.

Mesotherapy (hair and skin)

Mesotherapy is a non- surgical treatment that is used to treat various injuries and medical conditions and for skin rejuvenation. Tiny “medicinal bullets” are delivered directly into the middle layer of skin (mesoderm) that is highly specific to the condition being treated. The composition of the injection depends upon the condition to be treated, but it generally comprises of vitamins, minerals, some pharmaceutical compounds and plant extracts.

The procedure is usually indicated for patients to get rid of cellulite and localized fat deposits. It is also used for hair restoration. Another indication is skin rejuvenation where it is used to reduce the first signs of skin aging such as fine wrinkles on the face and neck.

The therapy is performed under local anesthetic in case of a mesolift treatment. The procedure is carried out either manually or with a special medical device called a “meso-gun”. Individualized mixtures of active ingredients such as minerals, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and antioxidants are gently injected into the different skin layers including connective tissue and fat tissue by using fine microinjections.

If needed, mesotherapy can be combined with filler, peelings or botox injections.
Initially the therapy is carried out every other week for 2 months. Follow-up treatment is carried out once a month for another two months. It is advisable to have an application twice a year for maintenance.

After the procedure your skin might show little bleeding spots which ceases after a few seconds. Generally there are no adverse effects seen in this therapy. Only in cases of allergy or pregnancy some treatments are not recommended.

There are almost no complications from mesotherapy. However, as for every kind of injection there is the possibility of getting small skin irritations, which usually fade away after a few days.

Radiofrequency (RF)

Designed to treat acne scars, Fractional Microneedle RF excels in non-surgical skin tightening. It delivers radiofrequency directly into the dermis to improve acne scars, sagging skin, wrinkles, large pores, and stretch marks. For some, it can dramatically reduce nasolabial folds (laugh lines), drooping corners of the mouth, and mid-face sagging, as well as produce browlift and eyelid tightening effects.

This treatment is safe, pain-free, and requires minimal downtime, making it popular with patients of all skin types. Improvement to skin texture is visible within days, while tightening becomes more and more noticeable over 2 to 6 months.

The procedure takes 20 to 25 minutes on the face, more on the rest of the body. A topical anesthetic is applied to ensure comfort. When activated, the Fractional Microneedle RF hand piece drives a set of ultra-fine needles painlessly into the skin – the depth is preset by the physician according to the area and condition treated.

Within the skin, each needle acts as an electrode to emit RF energy throughout the dermis, generating heat. The heat causes tightening and collagen production.

Post-treatment, you might see temporary redness and/or mild swelling. This usually lasts only a few hours. You may resume normal activities within hours.

We recommend a series of 3 monthly treatments for optimal results. For more serious skin conditions, you may need additional treatments. We advise waiting three months before undergoing the next treatment. This allows your body time to produce collagen for skin tightening.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy or PRP is an emerging treatment in health care to rejuvenate your skin by stimulating collagen, the main component of connective tissue. The therapy improves lines, wrinkles and texture with a gradual natural change. The therapy is also helpful for treating skin conditions and for general skin reconditioning. The most dramatic results so far have been seen with improvement of crepe skin problems in areas such as the neck, under eyes and décolletage areas.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy is done in the office under ultrasound guidance to ensure accurate placement of the injections. The treatment involves drawing blood from you just in the same way as it is taken for a blood test and then it is spun for around eight minutes in a centrifuge to produce the platelet rich plasma (PRP). The PRP is then drawn into a small syringe and a small amount of calcium chloride is added to it to stimulate the process. The mixture is then injected into clean, anaesthetized skin. For better results the PRP is injected into the same areas over three sessions which are usually spaced around a month apart.

There are almost no complications of this therapy. However, as with every kind of injection there is the possibility of slight bruising and appearance of pinkness or redness of the skin which usually fades away after a week or so.

Skin Booster Injections

Skin booster injections are a way of rejuvenating the skin by enhancing the hydration levels deep inside the skin tissues and increasing its elasticity, firmness and smoothness. One such example of skin boosters is Restylane skin boosters.

Restylane skin boosters can be used for:

  • All skin types
  • Both men and women
  • All areas of the skin which include your face, neck, décolletage, lips, backs of your hands, in the knees, elbows, etc.
  • People who want to improve skin structure, for e.g. photo-damaged or in acne-scarred skin

The treatment involves giving a series of tiny injections of hyaluronic acid into the chosen area of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the body and functions to maintain hydration levels in the skin. However, as we age the hyaluronic acid level in our body diminishes. Restylane skin booster replaces the lost hyaluronic acid in the body and thus restores the skin’s firmness, natural hydration and radiance. It also stimulates the production of collagen and improves skin elasticity. Moreover, it lifts and soothes away lines and restores your skin tone and youthful volume.

You can notice visible improvements to the skin just after one treatment. All together it comprises a series of three treatments which are placed one month apart. This is followed by maintenance treatments at 6 months after the first course, then a year later and then 18 months later making it an affordable way of rejuvenating skin.

Skin Diseases – Dermatology


Skin is the largest organ of the body and is composed of different colors and textures. Your skin acts as the first line of defense to protect you from external organisms that can cause infections. Aging and damage to the skin occurs with time and from environmental pollution and ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Skin care should form an integral part of your entire health care regimen.

Harley Street Cosmetic Dermatology in Abu Dhabi provides qualified and experienced dermatologists to assess your skin and appropriately treat your conditions or problems.

Skin Disorders

  • Eczema, psoriasis, lichen, acne, fungus, viral & bacterial infections
  • Cryotherapy & electrocautery: removes warts, skin tags & moles


What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease that causes raised, red, scaly patches to appear on the skin.

It typically affects the outside of the elbows, knees or scalp, though it can appear on any location. Some people report that psoriasis is itchy, burns and stings. Psoriasis is associated with other serious health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and depression.

If you develop a rash that doesn’t go away with an over-the-counter medication, you should consider contacting your doctor.

What is Eczema?

Types of Eczema

Eczema is the name for a group of conditions that cause the skin to become red, itchy and inflamed. There are several types of eczema: atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, nummular eczema, seborrheic dermatitis and stasis dermatitis.

It’s most common for babies and children to develop eczema on their face (especially the cheeks and chin), but it can appear anywhere on the body and symptoms may be different from one child to the next. More often than not, eczema goes away as a child grows older, though some children will continue to experience eczema into adulthood.

What are the symptoms of Eczema?

The most important thing to remember is that eczema and its symptoms are different for everyone. Your eczema may not look the same on you as it does on another adult, or on your child. It may even appear in different areas of the body at different times.

Eczema is usually itchy

Eczema is usually itchy. For many people, the itch is usually only mild, or moderate. But in some cases it can become much worse and you might develop extremely inflamed skin. Sometimes the itch gets so bad that people scratch it until it bleeds, which can make your eczema worse. This is called the “itch-scratch cycle.”

What to look for:

  • Dry, sensitive skin
  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Very bad itching
  • Dark colored patches of skin
  • Rough, leathery or scaly patches of skin
  • Oozing or crusting
  • Areas of swelling
Ultherapy – Non-Surgical Skin Tightening And Lifting

Ultherapy is an effective tightening and lifting procedure to treat loose, sagging skin. . It works by using focused ultrasonic energy to tone, lift and tighten loose skin by stimulating the production of new collagen (a natural protein that gives skin its youthfulness by keeping it firmed and toned) within the skin.

Ultherapy is usually indicated for people who have loose skin around the face and neck or people who are in their thirties and older having mild to moderate skin laxity.

The procedure begins with the application of ultrasound gel after cleaning the skin and identifying the areas to be treated. Next a smooth hand piece is placed upon your skin. To stimulate the growth of collagen, the focused ultrasound energy bypasses the surface of your skin and is distributed within the tissue below. You might experience slight discomfort while the ultrasound energy is being delivered. However, the sensation is temporary and it indicates a positive signal that the collagen-building process has been initiated.

You are able to resume your normal activities right away. The time of the procedure can be anywhere between two to three hours, depending upon the number of areas treated. Although there are no major complications associated with the treatment some patients can experience minor bruising, swelling and tenderness in the face and neck. Tenderness might last up to one month following treatment.

Thread Lift

Comes in the form of bidirectional absorbable thread cones. Inserting the threads under the skin leads to a discreet and immediate lifting effect. In addition, a gradual and natural regenerating effect starts due to the stimulation of the natural production of collagen, thus restoring shapeliness to the face.

How it works?

‘Face is an index of age’ and for women it is very concerning because ageing disfigure their charm, beauty and personality. Sagging of skin is a most common effect of ageing and women who wish to look younger than their age have various treatment options. Thread lift is one such aesthetic treatment that helps women look younger, fresh and appealing. A thread lift is a minimally invasive and safe procedure that confers permanent results for sagging skin. Aesthetician uses clear polypropylene threads with tiny barbs on it to pull the sagging facial skin on the cheeks, eye-brows and on the neck giving a smooth, fresh, rejuvenated and younger look.

Thread lift procedure is advantageous over surgical face lift in various factors:

  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • Minimal bruising and scarring and minimal recovery time
  • Affordable procedure
  • Short-duration procedure
  • Minimal risk because of use of local anaesthetic
  • Permanent results
  • Appropriate for mild sagging tissue
  • Totally reversible procedure

It is ideal for both men and women in the age group of 35 and 60 years. It can also be combined with other procedures such as wrinkle treatment, dermal fillers, thermage and liposuction of the neck for much better results. The results are permanent but new threads need to be added as one ages and skin sags further.

Thread lift is recommended in individuals with mild sagging. Individuals with excessive sagging are not ideal candidates instead they require surgical facelift and brow lift procedures. Also, those with thin skin and little facial fat are not considered for this procedure. A cosmetic surgeon assesses all the factors in first visit and suggests appropriate treatment for sagging skin. During the consultation the surgeon also shows the results than can be expected. Surgeon also demonstrate how the sagging skin becomes firm and smooth by pulling skin gently, upwards with his/her hand near the hairline as the threads would do after the procedure.

The procedure is done under local anaesthetic and in some cases mild sedation is required to relieve anxiety. The threads used for the procedure are safe as they are made of polypropylene which is also the material of choice for suture threads. These threads are not smooth but have tiny barbs evenly all along the length of the thread which help it to hold and lift the sub-dermal tissue when the threads are pulled. The surgeon inserts barbed threads through incision near the hair line below the skin along the lines marked on the face prior to the procedure. The threads are cut and knotted at the other end. Threads are pulled from one side to lift the skin and are fixed to the deeper and firmer tissue of the face. Threads are left in place permanently to maintain the lift. Collagen fibres naturally form along these threads and maintain the effect. Often, two threads are inserted on each side of the face for the facelift. The number of threads used depends on the severity of sagging. The procedure lasts for 30 to 60 minutes and is done as out-patient procedure so patients can go home soon after the procedure. However duration of treatment varies with number of threads used to get the desired improvement. Significant improvement is seen with single session of treatment.

Mild bruising and swelling is normal after the procedure that subsides in few days. It is a safe procedure and the risks can be minimised when procedure is done by an experienced surgeon. The procedure is totally reversible and threads can be removed if desired results are not achieved.


  • Facial Treatments
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Slimming & Body Contouring
Facial Treatments

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure to exfoliate the weather-beaten and damaged external layer of skin revealing the underlying new, more firm and smooth skin. It is recommended for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, blemishes and age spots as well irregular pigmentation on face and neck.

Different types of chemical peels are available for use in different skin types. They vary in the degree of penetration and peeling. Stronger chemical peels penetrate very deep into skin and give better results but cause more discomfort and delays recovery time. Strong chemical peels such as phenol peel need general anaesthetic during treatment and pain medications after the treatment. Patients can expect redness in the area of peel that lasts for longer duration. These traditional chemical peels also cause infections, hyper-pigmentation marks and also may leave permanent scars. Ingredients of a chemical peel can range from different types of alpha-hydroxy-acids to TCA (tricholoracetic acid) – indicated for photoaging skin and skin rejuvenation.

The type of peel to be used and the duration of treatment depend on improvement required and nature of skin. Aesthetician will choose an appropriate chemical peel based on the skin type.

To achieve the best possible outcome and avoid untoward effects, please inform aesthetician if you have any of these conditions:

  • Prone to cold sores
  • Keloid scars caused by previous cosmetic procedures
  • On medication for any illnesses

These factors are important and can affect the outcome of the peel treatment substantially. After any peel treatment you should protect your skin from sun exposure and avoid smoking as these factors affect the healing process.

Deep Purifying-Facial

Purify skin from impurities and leave the skin completely refreshed. Done as preparation for the skin before all the facials for the patients with too much degree of comedones (whiteheads or blackheads). It is one of the best ways to clean the pores and release toxins.

Pearl Touch Treatment

Vitamin C considered as an anti-aging superstar, it’s essential component in the body’s production of collagen and a potent antioxidant that can help rejuvenate aged and photo damaged skin. It helps to even your skin tone, revitalize skin’s surface, significantly improve hydration, and keep your skin looking younger, longer.

Polishing Treatment

From minimizing fine lines to improving your pores, it is safe and highly effective way to restore a clear, youthful glow to the skin. Microdermabrasion sloughs off the dead and dull surface layers of the skin, stimulating an increase in collagen production and rejuvenation, it enhances circulation and lymph flow, which promote the internal health of the skin. The Caviar gives a gorgeous shine, radiance and colour to the skin, it promotes cell regeneration.

Greenage Treatment

Do you have blackheads and other non-inflammatory blemishes? This facial makes your skin look more radiant, and reduces the amount of breakouts you get. This Acne Treatment works on unblocking the sebaceous follicles, preventing the retention of sebum and the formation of blackheads; the effectiveness of it appears to be due to its antibacterial, peeling (keratolytic), and drying actions.

Rejuvenating Meso Face

A series of micro injections are applied at the epidermal layer of the skin, these injections contains a series of ingredients found naturally in the skin such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins (A, B, C, E, K) minerals, coenzymes and nucleic acids. Mesotherapy improves the appearance of the skin, slows the onset of fine lines and wrinkles, reduces sagging and restores hydration.

PCA PEEL (face/body)

It’s exceptional treatment for aging skin, breakout prone skin, improving the appearance of fines lines and wrinkles, and promotion of an even skin tone.

Meso Eye Treatment

A solution to mask your age and fill your eye contour. A combination for prevention of wrinkles around the eyes, with draining and cooling properties.


Hydrafacial MD is multistep treatment that combines the benefits of next-level hydradermabrasion, a chemical peel, automated painless extractions and a special delivery of Antioxidants, Hyaluronic Acid and Peptides

It removes dead skins cells and impurities simultaneously bathing bathing the new skin with cleansing hydrating serums

The treatment is soothing, refreshing, on-irritating and immediately effective.

Red Carpet Facial Treatment

Laser Hair Removal

What’s Laser Hair Removal?

Though hair provides insulation to our body, they can also affect the perfect look of a person. Unwanted hair on the visible areas of the body like arms, legs, face and back are one of the main cosmetic problems faced by many.

Now no more painful waxing, tweezing, shaving or any other painstaking methods, laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures.

HSMC gives you the opportunity to experience the latest and fastest most powerful lasers technology, which is fully FDA approved. No redness, no burning, secure and excellent results on all skin and hair types. We give you the perfect solution to your needs with guaranteed results.

How does the laser work?

It beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicle absorbs the light that destroys the hair. It is important to treat each follicle during the growth cycle for maximum hair removal.

Which areas can be treated?

All body areas can be treated with the lasers: lips, chin, cheeks, neck, armpits, bikini, around the nipples, full back, full chest, shoulders, full legs, arms…

How long will it take?

It depends on the area to be treated:

  • Small body areas (face, underarms, bikini…) take 5 to 15 minutes
  • Larger body areas (full back, legs, arms…) usually take about 30 to 120 minutes depending on the area

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal?

If you are planning on undergoing laser hair removal, you should:

  • Limit plucking, waxing, and electrolysis for six weeks before treatment. That’s because the laser targets the hairs’ roots, which are temporarily removed by waxing or plucking
  • Avoid sunbathing, tanning beds, waxing, chemical peels or collagen injections for two weeks before and after the procedure
  • Avoid perfumes, deodorants or any potential irritants in the treatment area before and after treatment

Is Laser Hair Removal for everyone?

Lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged, it will not work on white, grey, light red or light blond hair follicles.

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

New technology is capable of giving permanent removal for ALL skin types, both male and female, for ALL parts of the body. The number of sessions needed to achieve these results can vary from person to person depending on many factors such as age, skin type and amount of hair, hair color, hair texture, and hormonal balance.

During your consultation; you will be advised as to the approximate number of treatments.

What happens to the skin after the treatment?

Following treatment, patients should expect:

  • Redness and swelling of the hair follicle, which is a normal occurrence
  • To be given a prescription for a topical antiseptic cream to be applied after treatment

You are able to reapply your make-up, return to work, and continue with your normal daily activities.

What are possible side effects?

As with any treatment, there are risks associated with it, though they are minimized in the hands of a qualified therapist. These include:

  • Pain
  • Blisters
  • Burns
  • Skin pigmentation problems
  • Scarring


With our machines and our sufficient experience, you will not experience any damage to your skin. All the possibilities are short term reactions such as a redness which may take from a few minutes to several hours to fade away.

What are the machines used at HSMC?

Offering superior results to the widest variety of patients is crucial. Therefore, to perfectly match the needs of any practice for any kind of hair and skin we at HSMC use:

  • Alexandrite laser (Elite/Cynosure®)
  • Nd:Yag Laser (GentleYag/ Candella®)
  • Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser (Revlite/ Cynosure®)
Slimming & Body Contouring

Vela shape III (for cellulite treatment and body contouring)

VelaShape III is a safe and effective treatment for body contouring and the reduction of cellulite (Cellulite consists of fatty deposits on the areas of the hips, thighs and buttocks which appear as lumpy, dimpled skin). It is a simple, painless and non-surgical treatment.

VelaShape III is effective in the treatment of thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, and arms. In addition it is also found to be helpful in treating post-pregnancy belly.

VelaShape III targets cellulite by increasing the metabolism of fat cells through the use of a precise heating system. This in turn stimulates the production of collagen and also promotes cellular metabolism leading to a restricted reduction in skin laxity and volume. In addition the mechanical tissue stimulation causes an instant increase in circulation and improves lymphatic drainage thus reducing cellulite. This is an effective treatment for all skin types.

Cellulite and circumference reduction as well as improved contour can be experienced with four to six treatments. The results of the treatments are long lasting and can be maintained with the help of a maintenance treatment every 1 to 6 months.

How long does it take to see results from velashape?

Most clients can see results after three sessions, but 4–6 weekly treatment sessions are recommended for optimal results. Each VelaShape session takes about 30 minutes.


CoolTech® procedure effectively reduces localized adipose tissue using a controlled freezing system with a non-invasive, safe and effective method.


Two applicators to treat two areas in one session. Each applicator is independent; it has its own temperature control and suction.


  • Non-invasive technology that delivers freezing in a controlled way.
  • Visible results starting 15 days from the first session.
  • The procedure allows the patient to immediately resume their lives
  • Less session time, optimization of the treatment and maximization of results.
  • Maximum required is 3 sessions per one area for remarkable results.
  • Two handles to treat 2 areas at the same time regulated independently.

What can CoolTech® do for you?

CoolTech® procedure effectively reduces localized adipose tissue using a controlled freezing system with a non-invasive, safe and effective method.

What is Cryolipolysis using CoolTech®?

Cryolipolysis is the non-invasive freezing of Adipose Tissue to induce Lypolysis (breaking down Fat Cells).

How Does It Work?

A non invasive applicator is attached to the targeted procedure area to extract heat from the underlying Fat tissue, while protecting the skin, nerves, muscles and other tissues.

On What Body Areas Can I Be Treated?

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Knees
  • Arms
  • Abductors

How Quickly Will I Notice Change?

Results in Localized Fat reduction are seen starting 15 days and will experience the most dramatic results after 8 weeks.

Is The Treatment Safe?

The treatment is safe and effective. Typically there is minimal to no downtime after the treatment.

Are The Results Permanent?

After Cooltech treatment, the treated Fat Cells will be eliminated via normal physiological body system. As long as you maintain your weight with your normal diet and exercise, your long term results should remain stable.


  • Services
  • Vaginoplasty (vaginal reconstruction, surgical & non-surgical)
  • Vaginal tightening
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Femilift

The Femilift method is the non-invasive correction of vagina relaxation and the treatment of female urine incontinence which derives from strain.

Femilift offers prevention but also treatment of these conditions, while it does not require painful and redundant surgery.

During this method a certain laser is used which succeeds in tissue renewal in the vaginal canal, in order for its diameter to be substantially reduced.

The application of Femilift is totally bloodless and painless.

Dr. Rehab Sattof


Dermatology & Cosmetology Specialist
Dr. Amira Alkasier - Dermatology Specialist


Specialist Dermatology & Cosmetology
Dr. Rabih Maatouk


Consultant Plastic Surgery
Dr. Gabriel Fernando Bonesana - Plastic Surgeon


Specialist Plastic Surgery
Dr. Shatha al-kalaany- Plastic Surgeon Abu Dhabi


Specialist Plastic Surgery

Dr. Zeudi Ramsey-Marcelle


Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr. Tamar Achjian ObGyn Abu Dhabi


Consultant Gynaecologist

Opening Hours

Monday – Saturday
8:00 am – 8:00 pm

Family Hub(GP)
Dental Clinic

Harley Street Abu Dhabi JCI


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